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Can you keep a baby ostrich as a pet?

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Another reason for breeding ostriches, which are becoming more popular today, is to hire and raise ostriches as pets. Baby ostriches are very easy to find, which means that many adopt hatched ostriches to satisfy the curiosity of such exotic birds. 24th. 2018 г.

Can I raise an ostrich as a pet?

Although chicks are adorable, ostriches are not good pets as they quickly grow into a creepy giant with sharp claws.

How much does a baby ostrich cost?

According to ostrichgrowers.com, ostrich chicks aged 30-60 days cost about $ 525, almost double after 90 days. Yearlings cost about $ 2,500 / bird, and adult birds range from $ 7,500 to over $ 10,000.

Can I keep an ostrich?

These birds are usually housed in an outdoor paddock with a secure shelter that can temporarily house the birds for management purposes or in bad weather. Ostriches are social birds, so it is not advisable to keep a single bird. Adult male ostriches can be over 2 meters tall and weigh 160 kg.

How can I take care of my baby ostrich?

Nourishment 1 Do not provide food or water until the ostrich chick is 6-8 days old. .. 2 When the chicks are old enough, serve ostrich pellets or coarsely ground meals on a shallow plate several times a day. 3 Give the chick a stemless alfalfa and clover cuttings.

Can you keep a baby ostrich as a pet?

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