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Are hedgehogs herbivores or omnivores?

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April. 2014г. Hedgehogs are omnivorous and eat bird eggs, young birds, frogs and fish in addition to insects.

Are hedgehogs omnivorous?

Hedgehogs are omnivorous and eat anything that can be eaten, such as worms, millipedes, worms, beetles, caterpillars, other insects, ancillary fruits and mushrooms.

Why are hedgehogs omnivorous?

6. Hedgehogs are omnivorous animals, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Hedgers eat insects, but they also eat rats, frogs, birds, bugs, caterpillars, slugs, toads, and plants and fruits. I can eat small snakes and I like eggs very much.

Do hedgehogs eat meat?

Avoid starchy vegetables such as corn, potatoes and carrots as well as dried vegetables. Cooked Meat: High-protein, low-fat canned dog and cat foods, and cooked chicken can be served in small quantities to pet hedgehogs. .. Hedgehog or Cat Kibble: This should be the majority of the hedgehog's diet.

Do hedgehogs eat meat and plants?

Hedgehogs are mainly carnivorous. They eat a diet consisting of small snakes, insects, mice, slugs, snails, worms and frogs. Other hedgehog species are omnivorous. That is, it not only consumes the protein obtained from the meat, but also eats the plant material.

Are hedgehogs herbivores or omnivores?

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