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Are humans and koalas related?

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It makes sense for orangutans and chimpanzees to have fingerprints like us, but koalas, some of our closest relatives, are evolutionarily alienated from humans. 19th. 2019г.

How are humans and koalas similar?

Why? Koalas are doll-sized marsupials that carry babies on their backs and climb trees, so they have almost the same fingerprints as human fingerprints. Even with careful microscopic analysis, the looping swirling ridges of koala fingers cannot be easily distinguished from ours. March 2011

What is the closest thing to a koala?

The bottom of a koala is particularly hard, resembling its closest relative, the wombat.

Are koala fingerprints like humans?

In the example of convergent evolution, koalas have fingerprints that are virtually indistinguishable from us, even if their last common ancestor lived more than 100 million years ago. Like human prints, each koala's fingerprint has a unique pattern. 2021

Are humans and koalas related?

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