Are pedipalps arms?

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Pedipalps are the second pair of chelicerata appendages and are a group of arthropods such as spiders, scorpions, horseshoe crabs and sea spiders. Overview-Spider pedipals-References

Are the pedipals limbs?

The pedipals are joined and look like slightly smaller legs. However, it is not used like a leg. Instead, they are like antennae. Pedipalps help detect objects encountered by spiders. Some spiders also use their pedipals to form their nets, helping to catch and feed their prey. 2009

Are the pedipals hands?

The pedipalp (usually abbreviated as palps or palpi) is the second pair of chelicerata appendages and is a group of arthropods such as spiders, scorpions, horseshoe crabs, and sea spiders. The pedipalp is on the outside of the chelicerae (“jaw”) and in front of the first pair of walking legs.

Chelicerae legs?

Legs: The first pair, called cheliceraes, are used only to catch worms, thin-shell mollusks, crabs and other prey. The mouth is surrounded by the following five pairs of legs and is used for both walking and eating.

Are the pedipals scissors?

Pedipalps are segmented appendages that attach to the cephalothorax of spiders. In scorpions, the pedipals end with scissors. A structure that most people call nails or scissors. .. Often used to capture and retain prey.

Are pedipalps arms?

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