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Do elephants like cuddling?

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According to researchers, elephants hug each other when they see their peers during difficult times. that means that elephants can recognize the feelings of others like humans. Elephants are also known to provide hugs to other species, including their caretakers, as a symbol of compassion and love. The 20th. 2017 г.

Do elephants like to be stroked?

Please note that elephants are not pets. They are not bred to crave human affection like domesticated dogs (or cats when they feel good). That said, personal tastes vary from elephant to elephant. Some people like scratches under their chin, others like rubbing their backs.

Can you hug the elephant?

However, as a wise animal, you may find that when a person hugs his trunk, he shows love and happiness in being with an elephant. I'm sure they were able to learn to enjoy it. Of course, these are domestic elephants-no one recommends hugging the trunks of wild elephants! In fact, they do.

Where do elephants like to be touched?

"Elephants make a lot of contact with others on their trunk. Genital contact is a way for elephants to identify others, in this case also for elephants to identify their behavioral state. "Protonic said.

Can elephants bond with humans?

Researchers at St. Andrews University point to what African elephants are humans. I have discovered that sometimes it seems to instinctively understand what it means .. New discoveries form a close relationship with these giant and powerful animals. May help explain what

Do elephants like cuddling?

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