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Are primates and hominids the same?

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Apes (/ ˈhɒmɪnɪdz /), also known as apes or apes (/ hɒˈmɪnɪdiː /), are a taxonomic family of primates, including eight extant species in four genera: Pongo (Borneo). Orangutans, Sumatra orangutans, Tapanurio orangutans)); Gorilla (eastern and western gorillas); Pan (chimpanzees and bonobos); and

Apes with other primates How is it different?

Apes differ from other apes in their ability to walk upright. They also have a larger brain. The only living species in the hominid family is homo.

What distinguishes hominids from primates?

The main feature that separates apes from other primates is bipedalisın. Bipedal walking means "mainly walking upright with both feet". Evidence of bipedalism can be found in the skeletal structure of primates.

Are chimpanzees apes?

Apes include orangutans (genus Pongo), gorillas (gorillas), chimpanzees and bonobos (bread), and humans (homo).

What is the difference between apes and apes?

Hominini and Hominini are two names used in the scientific classification of apes, including humans. .. The main difference between Hominini and Hominini is that Hominini is the family to which humans belong, whereas Hominini is at the tribal level to which humans belong. Tribal levels occur between subfamilies and genera.

Are primates and hominids the same?

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