Snails can play an important role in maintaining a freshwater aquarium, as long as you choose the right type. Most snails are scavengers that eat algae, dead plant materials, dead fish, and other debris, making them a great option to help keep your tank clean. 18янв. 2018 г.
Are snails bad for my aquarium?
"Bad" aquarium snails There aren't really "bad" snails, but some species can grow unchecked and overrun the aquarium. Seeing these little beasts hijack your aquarium, if not hundreds or even thousands, can be anxious and strain biological filtration and clogging of the filter's air intake. I have.
Do snails harm my fish?
They eat algae, clean the food of inedible fish, break down fish excrement, and help feed the aquarium snail eaters. These snails do not harm live fish or plants, but they keep the aquarium clean by consuming dead animals and diseased leaves.
What kind of snail is bad for an aquarium?
Let's take a look at the common types of unwanted snails found in freshwater aquariums. Physella acuta Physella acuta is not very large and is about ½ inches (1.25 centimeters) long. .. Malaysian trumpet snail (Melanoidestuberculata). Apple snail (Apple snail family). Ramsorn snail (Planorbidae). Monoaragai. Aquarium snail types: Best for freshwater tanks (& amp; worst)
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