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Why is my snail not eating or drinking?

Animal Expert
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No. Garden snails can survive for weeks without food if they can be kept dry and adhere to the surface. It says " how long can I go without eating snails in the garden? Do I need to feed can I feed the snail newspaper? I'm going to feed snails No Другиерезультатыссайта www.quora.com

What if you don't eat snails?

If you suspect you haven't eaten snails Put it in a clean tank, isolate it, and put in new food. This allows you to observe the food and feces you ate.

Why don't you want to eat my snail?

If you If the snail hadn't crawled over the strawberry and ate, he might not have been hungry at the time or liked the strawberry. The snail has a food preference like any other animal and he has. May not taste good. 2011

How do I feed snails?

In a pinch, snails also eat water-soaked turtle food. However, most of the snail's diet should come for fruits and vegetables, and some seeds and cooked grains. For terrestrial snail salty foods, citrus foods, and onions. Do not feed. These repel snails and lose food.

Why don't you eat snails in my garden?

You need a damp environment. Snails can sleep for months if they get too hot or too dry, which is boring. Tanks several times a day, or whenever you want to make sure they are active. Spray water on. 2020г.

Why is my snail not eating or drinking?

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