I rarely encounter snake problems in the UK. As shy creatures, if you see it, they will simply pass by as soon as possible. Avoid you and your pets as they tend to avoid contact with people.
Are snakes common in the UK?
Most British snakes are harmless (except for adders), but you can't tell where they came from. .. There are three native snakes in the UK: adders, grass snakes, and smooth snakes. Another animal that may be seen is a slow worm, which is actually a footless lizard-not a snake.
Are there any dangerous snakes in the UK?
Adder is the only venomous snake in the UK, but its poison is generally of little danger to humans. Biting by an adder can be painful and inflamed, but it is actually only dangerous to very young, sick, or elderly people. However, if you are bitten, you should see a doctor immediately.
Are snakes rare in the UK?
There is only one venomous snake in the UK. The three species of snakes that live in the United Kingdom are: Adder (Vipera berus)-Widely common throughout the UK, but declining and the only toxic species. Grass Snake (Natrix helvetica)-Widely distributed in England and Wales, including gardens.
Where do British snakes live?
British snakes are usually lonely and shy animals that prefer to escape rather than fight. Adders are mainly found in Heathland, Commons and woodlands. More bites occur in the summer as British snakes hibernate during the winter. During the winter, people are less active and wear heavy clothes and shoes.
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