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Are there different types of green sea turtles?

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What kind of sea turtle?

Seven species of sea turtle, Green turtle, Chelonium mydas. .. Loggerhead turtle, loggerhead turtle. .. Hawksbill turtle, Eretmochely simbricata. .. Leatherback turtle, Dermochely scoriacea. .. Kemp's turtle, Lepidochelyskempii. .. Olive ridley turtle, Lepidochely solivacea. .. Flatback turtle, Natator depressus. 7 species of sea turtles

There are 2 types of green turtles. Scientists are currently debating whether it is a subspecies or a different species. The Atlantic green turtles, usually found off the coast of Europe and North America, and the eastern Pacific green turtles. It was found in the coastal waters from Alaska to Chile. The green turtle, Chelonia mydas, is classified as an aquatic species and is distributed in warm tropical to subtropical waters around the world. An environmental parameter that limits the distribution of green turtles is seawater temperature below 7-10 degrees Celsius. Green turtles live all over the world, nest in more than 80 countries and inhabit coastal areas in more than 140 countries. Today, all green turtle populations are stated to be endangered or threatened under the Endangered Species Act. Green turtles in the eastern Pacific are smaller and darker than green turtles. Black sea turtles also have a tear-shaped shell, which is different in shape from the oval green turtle. The head of a green turtle is even smaller than the head of a green turtle!

Green turtles live in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. There is some debate about the classification of green turtles. Some scientists classify green turtles into two species: green turtles and green turtles or Pacific turtles. Black sea turtles can also be considered a subspecies of green turtles.

What is the classification of green turtles?

There is some debate about the classification of green turtles. Some scientists classify green turtles into two types: green turtles and green turtles or Pacific turtles. Black sea turtles can also be considered a subspecies of green turtles.

Where do green turtles live in the world?

Green turtles live in tropical and subtropical waters around the world. There is some debate about the classification of green turtles. Some scientists classify green turtles into two species: green turtles and green turtles or Pacific turtles. Black sea turtles can also be considered a subspecies of green turtles.

What kind of sea turtle is it?

Turtles are wonderful reptiles, and sea turtle groups are no exception. Green turtles and loggerhead turtles are the most commonly thought turtles when thinking about sea turtles, but there are still five different types to learn!

What is the difference between green turtles and black sea turtles?

For comparison, Pacific green turtles (also known as black turtles) are strongly raised or arched and do not look more round than other green turtles when viewed from the front.

How many species of green turtles are there?

Green turtles can be found all over the world. They nest in more than 80 countries and live in coastal areas of more than 140 countries. .. Scientific classification. KingdomAnimaliaFamilyCheloniidaeGenusCheloniaSpeciesmydas

Are green turtles the same as sea turtles?

Green turtles are one of the largest sea turtles and the only herbivore of various species. Green turtles are actually named after the greenish color of cartilage and fat, not the shell. .. Like other sea turtles, they travel long distances between the feeding grounds and the beach from where they hatched.

What are the seven?

Are there different types of green sea turtles?

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