Komodo Island, Indonesia-Komodo dragons have shark-like teeth and toxic poisons and can kill people within hours of being bitten. experts point out that Komodo dragon attacks are still rare. May 26, 2009
Do Komodo dragons eat humans?
The Komodo dragon killed an eight-year-old boy in the first deadly attack on a human by one of the giant lizards for the first time in 33 years. He beat the boy in a shrubland in a national park on Komodo Island in eastern Indonesia. .. However, Komodo dragons rarely kill humans. 2007
Can Komodo dragons run faster than humans?
At full speed, the Komodo dragon can run at 12 mph (19 km / h). The average human sprint is 15 mph (24 km / h).
Who can defeat the Komodo dragon?
Honey badgers are one of the most intense and fearless animals on the planet. Speed, maneuverability, aggression, and combat power will find a way to defeat the big and slow Komodo dragons.
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