Can a slug hurt you?

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How dangerous are slugs? Surprisingly, slugs can be harmful. when humans eat any of these infectious slugs, the parasites travel to the brain and spinal cord, damaging tissues. It can also be transmitted from residues left by slugs on vegetables and salad greens.

Can slugs bite humans?

Don't worry, your typical garden slugs are non-toxic. They mainly eat fungi, rotten plants and plants, and there is no direct way to harm humans. 2019

Is it bad to have slugs at home?

Slugs in your home can be annoying as they ooze across the floor and furniture in your kitchen, but there are ways to get rid of slimy creatures that do not contain salt or pellets. .. Salt definitely kills slugs, but it can cause horrific slimy mess in your home.

Can a slug hurt you?

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