In the deep sea, there are few meals. Pietsch writes in Oceanic Anglerfishes that most anglerfish stomachs examined are empty. but don't worry too much about these deep-sea horrors. They are too small to hurt humans and create oversized teeth and malformed bodies
What does anglerfish do to humans?
When a young male angler who swims freely meets a female, she catches her with her sharp teeth. Over time, the man physically fuses with the female, connecting to her skin and bloodstream and losing all internal organs except his eyes and testicles. The female puts six or more males on her body.
Who does angler fish eat?
Anglerfish can eat live prey, but part of their diet is also to eat dead fish and other wildlife. When dead marine life sinks to the bottom of the sea, it provides simple nutrition for anglerfish. In addition to the animals found in the normal diet, it also includes small squids, turtles, and even seabirds.
Why is angler fish so scary?
In addition to this strange alien mating behavior, anglerfish have a bioluminescent lure protruding from their heads. The lure shines and attracts prey, produced by the bacteria that inhabit it. By the time they realize that their prey is not something that lures can eat on their own, they are on the diet of anglers.
Do female anglerfish eat males?
Therefore, a large mouth, terrifying teeth, and an elastic stomach are all common features. In fact, as Maclaine shows in the video below, many female Himantolophus can swallow their prey twice as large. After all, they sometimes eat for some free-loading men.
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