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Can red and GREY squirrels live together?

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Red and gray squirrels can live together for years before they gradually decline, until the red squirrels are extinct in deciduous or mixed forests. They are doing very well only where red squirrels can beat gray squirrels.

Do gray squirrels harm red squirrels?

Overall, researchers found no evidence that gray squirrels interfered with the behavior of red squirrels. This includes direct Gray Red attacks, interruptions in Red's mating tracking, or by forcing Red to avoid areas that Gray uses intensively.

Are Red Lis and Gray Lis enemies?

Red squirrel native predators are unlikely to form an alliance in the fight against gray squirrels. Scientists at Queen's University Belfast have found that while Matsuten preys on both species, Gray is far more vulnerable to attack.

Can red and GREY squirrels live together?

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