What do fish eat meat?

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Meat Eater vs. Fish is either an omnivorous animal, a carnivore, or a herbivore. So make sure you know what your fish is and feed it accordingly. Do not feed carnivorous fish with a beef-only diet. Some people do, but fish are not recommended as they are difficult to digest beef. The 20th. 2009

What kind of food do fish eat?

Herbivores They work well with flake food staples, but they also like to bite algae wafers. As a fresh option, lettuce, spinach, zucchini and green peas can be chopped into fish-sized pieces to supplement the fish diet.

What do fish eat?

When it comes to fish diets, they eat a wide variety of things. Some of them are omnivorous animals that feed on marine animals such as small fish, worms and crustaceans. Some fish feed on small organisms and plants, while others are carnivorous, eating other fish.

What do fish eat other than fish?

Boiled and steamed cooked vegetables (peanuts, cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots, etc.) are sometimes excellent alternatives to fish flakes for appetizing and herbivorous aquarium fish. You can also feed fish (especially goldfish and carp) rice and oatmeal.

What do fish eat meat?

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