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Can sponges have more than one Osculum?

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The choanocyte flagella generate an electric current to drain it through a single oscram. Note that water enters the sponge through a modified cell known as polosite. The cyconoid sponge appears to be a larger version of the asconoid (with more folds), but still has a single oscrum.

Does the sponge have an oscrum?

Osculum (plural "Oscula") is the excretory structure of a living sponge, a large opening to the outside where water flows after passing through the sponge koel. Waste products diffuse into the water, which is pumped through an osculam that carries away the waste products from the sponge.

Which body type has multiple oscrams?

A sponge with a Leukon figure may have multiple oscrams.

What does Oscrum do with a sponge?

Water comes out of the sponge through a large opening, the oscrum. Water carries away waste products from the sponge.

Is there an oscrum in sponges?

Water can enter the sponge coil through numerous pores on the body wall. The water that enters the sponge coil is pushed out through a large common opening called the oscrum. .. In addition to the oscram, the sponge has multiple pores in the body called the mouth that allow water to enter the sponge.

Can sponges have more than one Osculum?

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