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Do elephants play with their trunk?

Animal Expert
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7 Great things an elephant does in the trunk (and monopoly is not one of them) After all, a very tactile body of an elephant composed of about 100,000 different muscles The trunk was not intended to be used in some cheap stunts. May 13, 2014

Why does the elephant touch the trunk?

When the elephants feel blue, they lend each other a trunk and cry-and some. According to new research, Asian elephants make sympathetic noises and comfort each other by touching their trunks to the mouths of others and the territory of hell.

What does an elephant do with its trunk?

The elephant's torso is actually a long nose, used to sniff, breathe, trumpet, drink, and grab things. The trunk alone contains about 40,000 muscles. African elephants have two finger-like features on the edge of the trunk and can be used to grab small items.

Why do elephants swing their trunks?

It is most often seen when they are still learning to control their trunk. Elephant expert Joyce Poole states that it can be a kind of mobile behavior. .. Young elephants swing their legs and twist their torso when they don't know what to do next.

Do elephants hug their trunks?

They comfort each other during stress by "hugging". According to researchers, elephants put their trunks in each other's mouth and hug them, providing comfort through physical contact.

Do elephants play with their trunk?

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