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Why do baby elephants swing their trunks?

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This baby elephant feels awkward and may be swinging his trunk. This seemingly strange behavior is actually common among young calves. the young elephant swings his legs and twists his torso when he doesn't know what to do next. September. 2018 г.

What does an elephant baby do with its trunk?

At first, baby elephants don't really know what to do with their trunk. They swing them back and forth and sometimes even step on them. They will suck on the trunk, much like a human baby sucks on the thumb. By about 6-8 months, calves begin to learn to eat and drink using their core. 2019

Can baby elephants control their core?

Elephant babies do not learn to control their trunk until they are about 1 year old.

What does it mean for an elephant to connect its trunk?

The tip of the elephant's torso is constantly moving, testing the smell of air. It is believed that they can pick up odors from a few kilometers away and use this ability to "watch" their surroundings and keep unwanted things from sneaking up.

Why do elephants kick babies?

The staff downplayed the incident, saying that it was a natural reflex behavior that stimulated the elephant's mother to move the newborn little by little to stand up. But the African elephant Poly lovingly, but she may have been clumsy trying this, she has a history-she crushed her first baby and died. ..

Why do baby elephants swing their trunks?

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