The ratio of octopus brain to body is the largest among invertebrates. Not a mammal, but larger than many vertebrates. the rest is in the donut-shaped brain, wrapped around the esophagus and on the octopus's head. Octopus has shown intelligence in many ways, says John.
Do all octopuses have nine brains?
The octopus has nine "brain". One central brain is used for overall control. At the base of each arm is a group of nerve cells that can control each arm independently and act as a small brain.
Why do octopuses have nine brains?
The octopus has three hearts. This is because the two hearts pump blood to the gills, and the larger heart circulates the blood to the rest of the body. The octopus has nine brains. This is because, in addition to the central brain, each of the eight arms has a mini-brain that can move independently.
What do you think of the octopus?
The octopus "thinks" that because the neurons are scattered throughout the body, the left hand is literally you may not know what the left hand is doing. Like humans, octopuses are incredibly smart. But the octopus's mind is as alien as the human mind well, as much as the alien mind.
How much is the octopus in the brain?
In addition to the central brain between the eyes, the octopus has a separate "mini-brain" at the base of each of its eight tentacles. Unlike most creatures, octopuses have nine brains that use them incredibly skillfully. 2021
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