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Do sponges have specialized circulatory organs?

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The sponge does not have a clear circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, or excretory system. Instead, the water flow system supports all these features. They filter food particles from the water flowing through them. A circulation system that supplies oxygen and food to cells and removes carbon dioxide and metabolic waste. Sponges are the simplest animals, but they still have a transport system. Seawater is a transport medium and is propelled inside and outside the sponge by the sponge. The sponge has no organs or digestive system, but it is a very efficient filter that can eat particles as small as bacteria. There are three basic body plans for sponges: (1) Asconoid sponges are small and simple in shape, with a tubular body. (2) The ciconoid sponge also has a highly folded tubular body in a series of inflowing canals that carry water into a radial canal lined with choanocytes, with much thicker walls.

What is the function of the circulatory system of the sponge?

The sponge does not have a clear circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, or excretory system. What they do is have a water flow system to support all these features. They filter food particles from the water flowing through them.

What is the excretory organ of the sponge?

The sponge does not have a clear circulatory system, respiratory system, digestive system, or excretory system. Instead, the water flow system supports all these features. They filter food particles from the water flowing through them. Next, what are the excretory organs of coelenterates?

Does the sponge have a digestive system?

Digestive system: The sponge does not have a digestive system, but it acquires nutrients by diffusion. They are called filter feeders. It filters water through the pores of cells (choanocytes) lined with special hairs and produces an electric current that drains from the internal cavity.

Is the sponge body plan simple?

The body plan of the sponge is simple. Unlike many animals, they do not have the nervous system, muscular system, or even the true circulatory system. Sponge body plan. There are several types of sponge body plans, each with a hollow body cavity, or sponge coil (SPUN-geo-seel), through which water and particles circulate.

Does the sponge have any special organs?

Unlike protozoa, sponges are multicellular. However, unlike higher metazoans, the cells that make up the sponge are not organized into tissues. Therefore, the sponge lacks true tissue and organs. Moreover, they have no body symmetry. However, sponges have special cells that perform certain functions.

Does the sponge have a special respiratory system?

The sponge does not have the complex digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems to move nutrients and oxygen around the body. Rather, each cell is independent and uses diffusion to carry out its own oxygen, food and waste processes.

What are the unique characteristics of sponges?

The sponge, unlike other animal phyla, has five different characteristics. Choanocytes. Waterway (waterway) system. Organic and inorganic skeletons. Totipotency. Plasticity. Unique Features of Sponge-Queensland Museum

Why does a sponge not require a circulatory system?

The simplest animals, such as sponges (Porifera) and rotifers (Rotifera), because diffusion allows for the proper exchange of water, nutrients, waste, and dissolved gas, as shown in Figure 1a. Does not require a circulatory system. .. .. Instead, gas, nutrients and waste are exchanged by diffusion.

Do sponges have specialized circulatory organs?

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