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How big is the Etruscan shrew brain?

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(b) Cortical tissue: Anatomy Etruscan shrew has the smallest brain of all mammals. Its cerebral cortex is very thin, averaging only 400-500 µm [16,70].

Are shrews smart?

Shrews have poor eyesight, but have good sense of smell and hearing. The last two senses help the shrews find their prey and avoid predators. Shrews are also very smart animals. Their brain weighs 10% of their total body weight.

How big is the heart of Etruscan shrew?

The smallest mammal known by mass, the Etruscan shrew, weighs less than 2 grams and has a heart rate of 25 beats per second. This is 1,500 BPM. It's a little cute. The human heart is about the size of a fist, and the cow's heart is the size of a human head.

Which animal has the smallest brain?

Scientists have finally found the smallest brain they have ever seen, and it belongs to the lagworm. This humble earthworm cousin has neurons that are very similar to those in the human brain, even though they are only the width of human hair.

How fast is the Etruscan shrew?

The body length of Etruscan shrew is about 4 cm (1.6 inches) excluding the tail. It is characterized by very fast movements and fast metabolism, and eats about 1.5 to 2 times the body weight per day. .. Etruscan shrewGenus: SuncusSpecies: S. etruscusBinomial nameSuncus etruscus (Savi, 1822)

How big is the Etruscan shrew brain?

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