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How do river dolphins see?

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They can often be seen swimming upside down and will probably help to see the bottom of the river better. Despite their small eyes, they can see well above and underwater, and thanks to their excellent echolocation, there is no problem navigating the Amazon muddy water to catch their prey.

Can you see the Amazon river dolphin?

The Amazon river dolphin's eyes are quite small, but their eyesight is very good.

Why are river dolphins blind?

Like other river dolphins that have evolved these properties convergently, they are largely independent of sight due to the muddy water in which they live, resulting in a small lensless, I have eyes that don't work.

Do Amazon river dolphins have good eyesight?

Amazon river dolphins live in muddy seas (poor visibility), so their eyes are small and their eyesight is weak. The vertebrae of the Amazon river dolphin's neck are loosely connected. This feature allows you to rotate your neck 180 degrees, making it easier to find your prey.

Do river dolphins have eyes?

Despite their small eyes (the Ganges and Indus river dolphins have no lenses), river dolphins can easily move through muddy water thanks to their exquisite sonar. Probably the best of all cetaceans. They are often friendly and curious about people.

How do river dolphins see?

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