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How can I tell if my rabbit is blind?

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If the rabbit is surprised by hitting an object regularly or approaching a sound or an object, the rabbit may be blind or partially visible. They may also move slowly and cautiously and become nervous in new places. Many visually impaired rabbits tend to stay near the wall when exploring.

How do you check the rabbit's eyesight?

Whether the rabbit is blind or semi-blind is whether it hits objects regularly, is sensitive to sound, its eyes do not respond to light, it goes in the wrong direction when called, and it is in or around the body. You can tell by looking at signs such as changes and deformations. eye. 6th

What causes the rabbit to lose sight?

Rabbit Visual Impairment Rabbits may be born blind due to congenital problems, or they may cause blindness due to medical problems such as trauma or cataracts. Regardless of the reason for the blind, the pet bunny does not need to have eyesight.

Does my rabbit have poor eyesight?

The answers are "yes" and "no". Rabbits tend to be hypermetropic. In other words, you can see long distances well. .. Rabbit eyes are high on the sides of the skull. This arrangement helps to detect predators quickly from almost all directions, but it can also leave a blind spot in front of you.

Can rabbits live blind?

Blind rabbits can still lead a fulfilling and happy life. Even if your rabbits have visual impairment at an early age, they can learn to walk around and have fun. Even without eyesight, rabbits can use other senses to grasp their surroundings and lead a normal life.

How can I tell if my rabbit is blind?

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