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How do animals dissipate heat in the desert?

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Some small desert animals dig holes under the surface of soil or sand to escape the high temperatures of the desert surface. These include many mammals, reptiles, insects, and all desert amphibians. Rodents may block the entrance to the burrow to prevent hot and dry air.

How do desert animals lose heat?

Avoid the heat Some animals, such as toads, frogs, and desert tortoises, escape from the heat for several months at a time by aestivating in their burrows. During aestivation, animals become dormant with reduced breathing and heart rate, allowing them to escape high fever and save water.

How do animals survive the heat of the desert?

Animals survive in the desert by living underground or resting in burrows in the heat of the day. Some creatures get the water they need from food, so they don't need to drink much water. Others live along the edge of the desert with more plants and shelters.

How do animals get cold in the desert?

In fact, they are known to keep their feet cool by peeing on their feet. And when we say "pee", it's actually a liquid mixture of feces and urine. .. As the droplets evaporate, white chalk-like residues remain over the bird's paw (and paw), increasing protection from the sun.

What are the main ways animals can withstand hot desert temperatures?

The main strategy for dealing with the high temperatures of the desert is avoidance. Many mammals avoid high temperatures during the day by becoming nocturnal or crepuscular (active at dusk or dawn).

How do animals dissipate heat in the desert?

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