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Which sea animal has no brain?

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Other animals that survive without a brain include sea stars, sea cucumbers, sea urchins, sea anemones, sea anemones, squirting, sea sponges, corals, and Portuguese man-of-war. The brain is basically what happens when a large group of nerve cells, called neurons, form one large cluster. May 24, 2016

Which seafood has no brain?

Gautier takes a "eat nothing with his face" approach to veganism. "For me, a vegan diet is basically compassionate," he explains. "And, as current research confirms, persimmons are non-sensory beings that do not have a brain or advanced central nervous system, so they cannot feel pain.

Which animal does not have a heart?

Isoginchak Isoginchak does not have a brain or heart, but it has a primitive nervous system that can maintain the balance of life in response to environmental stimuli. 1>

Which fish have no brain or heart?

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Jellyfish are incredible creatures – many surprises are different from creatures. Their bodies are 95%. Made of water, no bones or cartilage, no heart or blood, no brain. Jellyfish have a very basic set of nerves at the base of the tentacles.

Which sea animal has no brain?

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