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How do pancake frogs have babies?

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Animals have a flat shape, so they look like pancakes and live in water for the rest of their lives. When the male and female mate, the female lays eggs and the male catches them and fertilizes them. The eggs are then embedded in the spongy tissue of the female back, which grows on them. 10янв. 2015 г.

How do frogs give birth to babies?

Frogs breed in a variety of ways, researchers said. In most species, fertilization occurs outside the female body. Females lay eggs and males lay sperm on them. However, in about 12 species, males fertilize eggs in females.

Do frogs give birth by mouth?

The Eve crocodile frog is the only frog known to give birth by mouth. Frogs lay eggs, but then swallow them, according to researchers at the University of South Wales. .. The egg stays in the baby frog until it hatches, at which point it crawls out of her mouth. 2013

Can frogs lay eggs without mating?

Re: My female frog sometimes lays eggs without mating I'm sorry that no one has replied to you yet, but yes, this is a healthy, mature adult female This is normal behavior for a frog. Feed enough food to relieve ovulation and try to increase your protein intake during this time.

How do European frogs breed?

Frogs lay eggs in water, and the eggs hatch into tadpoles and grow into frogs. .. All frogs reproduce sexually and all frogs hatch from eggs. In almost all frogs, egg fertilization occurs outside the female body rather than inside. Females release eggs and males release sperm at the same time.

How do pancake frogs have babies?

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