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What animal gives birth from their mouth?

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The Eve crocodile frog is the only frog known to give birth by mouth. Frogs lay eggs, but then swallow them, according to researchers at the University of South Wales. 22 minutes. 2013г.

Do dogs give birth by mouth?

"In normal calving, a puppy is born in a few contractions." In a normal calving, a puppy is born in a few contractions. .. During chewing and licking, she tears the birth sac, exposing her mouth and nose so that the puppy can breathe.

Which frog gives birth from its mouth?

Female amphibians, also known as platypus, swallow eggs after in vitro fertilization by males, raise young pups in the stomach, and give birth by mouth.

Which fish is your mouth?

Mouse breeder, a fish that breeds juveniles in the mouth. Examples include certain catfish, cichlids, and cardinal fish. Males of the sea catfish Galeichthys felis put up to 50 fertilized eggs in their mouths and hold them until they are at least 2 weeks old after hatching.

Do bats give birth by mouth?

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A common misconception is that bats do not give birth by mouth. Bats reproduce sexually with humans and hang upside down to give birth. Most bats give birth to one baby bat at a time, but they may have twins.

What animal gives birth from their mouth?

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