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How do sponges digest food and oxygen?

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The sponge filters food particles from water and feeds them. When water enters the sponge, it carries small organisms such as bacteria and protists. The choanocytes inside the central cavity trap and digest these food particles.

How is food digested with a sponge?

The sponge uses the heartbeat of the choanocytes to draw water that carries food particles into the sponge. Food particles are trapped in the collar of the choanocytes and carried to the cells by phagocytosis. Digestion of food particles occurs intracellularly.

Does the sponge absorb oxygen?

Sponge cells absorb oxygen by diffusing from water to cells as water flows through the body, and also diffuse other soluble wastes such as carbon dioxide and ammonia.

Does the sponge produce oxygen?

Sponges that thrived in extreme deep-sea environments hundreds of millions of years ago may have helped generate the oxygen needed to explode more complex life forms on Earth. New research suggests. The sponge is the first animal to evolve on Earth and does not require much oxygen to survive.

How do sponges digest food and oxygen?

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