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What causes congenital blindness?

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Causes of congenital blindness infection include CMV-infection, congenital rubella syndrome (with congenital cataract), congenital toxoplasmosis, congenital syphilis, rare mixed syndrome (anophthalmia, microphthalmia, etc.) )It is included. 25th. 2013г.

What are the most common causes of blindness in children?

Measles remains the only major cause of childhood blindness, with tens of thousands of cases worldwide usually due to scarring or perforation of the cornea.

How likely is your baby to be born blind?

Aphthalmia and microphthalmia can cause visual impairment or blindness. Aphthalmia and microphthalmia are rare. In the United States, one in 5,300 babies are born in this condition each year.

What are the seven causes of blindness?

What are the main causes of blindness? Uncorrected refractive error. Any uncorrected refractive error, such as myopia, hyperopia, or astigmatism, can cause severe visual impairment. .. Cataract. .. Age-related macular degeneration. .. Glaucoma. .. Diabetic retinopathy. What are the main causes of blindness? -Essilor Lens

What does it mean to be congenitally blind?

If a baby is born with permanent, irreversible, lack of vision, or severe disability, it is considered congenital blind.

What causes congenital blindness?

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