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How do you comfort a blind rabbit?

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Remove sharp corners or cover the sharp corners with duct tape. Keep in mind that bunny friends are very comfortable for blind rabbits, but blind rabbits can be difficult to bond. If you have bunny friends, find a gentle and calm friend. Do not glue sick rabbits or rabbits recovering from surgery. 21st. 2014г.

How can I keep a blind rabbit happy?

There are some important things to keep in mind when caring for a blind rabbit: 1 Keep things consistent. .. 2 Make sure their living area is safe for them. .. 3 Make sure there are as few obstacles as possible in the play area. .. 4 Blind rabbits are heavily dependent on the sense of smell. Blind-DisabledRabbits.com

What happens when a rabbit becomes blind?

Many visually impaired rabbits tend to stay near the wall when exploring. In addition to behavioral changes, you may also notice physical signs of eye problems such as swelling and redness around the eyes, eye retraction, pupil dilation and cloudiness.

How can I relieve the pain of a rabbit?

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) such as aspirin, carprofen, flunisine meglumine, and meloxicam can reduce swelling and inflammation. The efficacy of different NSAIDS depends on each drug, dose, and type of pain. Rabbits require high doses of aspirin, which can be a very effective analgesic.

Does glaucoma cause pain in rabbits?

Glaucoma is a painful condition that can quickly lead to blindness if left untreated.

How do you comfort a blind rabbit?

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