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How many nose do snails have?

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Snails have no nose. But it can smell. Snails use their skin to smell. Snails can be eaten by smelling the leaves.

Do snails have four noses?

There are four slugs and they are retractable. The two are for viewing and sniffing and can be operated independently. Slugs can look (or sniff) you and your friends at the same time. The other two are for touching and tasting.

How many noses does a slug have?

The slug has four noses and sounds a little overkill. However, each function is different. Two are for sight and smell and can be operated independently, while the other two are for touch and taste.

Do slugs have seven noses?

The pair of tentacles on the crown has small black spots on each tip. .. The second tentacle is located at the bottom of the head and acts as a nose because it picks up chemical odors. They are also touch sensitive. To find food, slugs use all four tentacles.

Does the slug have 3000 teeth?

Does the slug have 3000 teeth? Slugs have an average of about 27,000 "teeth". Instead of chewing food, they have a flexible band like a fine tooth ribbon called the radula, so they need so many teeth. It works like a circular saw — it cuts through the vegetation and eats it as it progresses.

How many nose do snails have?

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