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Do slugs have multiple noses?

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There are four slugs and they are retractable. The two are for viewing and sniffing and can be operated independently. Slugs can look (or sniff) you and your friends at the same time. The other two are for touching and tasting.

How many noses does a slug have?

Twitter NatGeoKIDS: "Slugs have 3,000 teeth and four noses. Crawl these #WeirdButTrueWednesday facts.

How many in a slug's house? Do you have a nose?

Slugs have four noses, which sound a bit overkill, but each has different functions. The two are for visual and olfactory purposes and can be operated independently. But the other two are for touching and tasting.

Does the slug have three noses?

The slug's head has four noses and one pair or two. There is a pair of tentacles. The longer pair houses the eye at the tip (or the base of the sea slug tentacles). The other shorter pair is used for olfactory and olfactory sensations.

How do slugs breathe?

Slugs can absorb oxygen directly from the atmosphere in addition to breathing through the breath holes. Slugs don't like hot weather very much. So it will be more active in spring and autumn.

Do slugs have multiple noses?

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