Homo sapiens is the only survivor of the once diverse group of humans and apes like humans, collectively known as the Hominini. This is a group that contains about 20 known species and perhaps dozens of yet unknown species. 11окт. 2021
Below you will find two helpful answers on a similar topic. 👇
The mammoth was heavier than the elephant and its fangs were much longer. They were twisted more than elephant fangs and could grow up to 16 feet long. By comparison, the longest elephant fangs to (...)
The true short-lived champion is the gastrotrich, an almost microscopic creature found in aquatic environments around the world. Flat, transparent creatures live their lives within a week, sexuall (...)
Family groups are called herds. The herd is made up of all mother elephants and their babies. The family can have 6 to 12 members. Female elephants stay in the flock forever. Male elephants leave (...)
African elephants are the largest elephant species, while Asian elephants and forest elephants are equally small in size. Asian elephants differ from their African relatives in several respects, w (...)