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How much vegetables can guinea pigs eat?

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Fruits and vegetables: Fresh vegetables can be served once a day, which is equivalent to a total of about 1 cup per day for guinea pigs. Leafy vegetables such as romaine lettuce, red and green leaf lettuce, kale, coriander and parsley should make up the majority of the fresh ingredients of pork.

How many vegetables should a guinea pig eat?

Vegetables are an essential part of a guinea pig's diet. Try to give 3 vegetable servings per day. Make sure one is some kind of leafy green. Please eat less than one serving of vegetables a day !!

Do guinea pigs need to have vegetables every day?

You need at least one cup, or one and a half cups of vegetables each day. For large guinea pigs, vegetables are an important aspect of the guinea pig's diet and there is also a lot of hay. , And guinea pig pellets.

How many grams of vegetables do guinea pigs need to eat each day?

50g per piggy per day. 3 days. 2010

Can guinea pigs only eat vegetables?

Yes, it's okay to feed guinea pigs with only fruits, vegetables, Timothy hay and water. However, make sure the fruits are animal-friendly, like watermelons. However, there will be a lot of pee. Carrots are great vegetables for your piggy, I loved them. Some lettuce does no harm.

How much vegetables can guinea pigs eat?

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