4 2006 г. · If you put them and them on the sand or somewhere, it can / can start making white film and start desires in your tank. If dead or sleeping snails ???-Aquarium advice Two goldfish and one dead snail-Aquarium advice Другиерезультатыссайта www.aquariumadvice.com
Dead from the aquarium But do you need to get rid of snails?
It is highly recommended to remove the dead snails with a small cup and plenty of water and submerge them. If it's small and soft, wash it off, but if it's big and hard, take it outdoors and throw it as far as possible. Certainly, it is a smell that I do not want to experience many times.
Will dead snails kill my fish?
Dead snails produce large amounts of ammonia in a short period of time, which can cause domino effects in aquariums. Ammonia is so toxic to aquatic animals that the death of one snail can lead to the death of another.
How can I get rid of humane snails in an aquarium?
If you're looking for a humane way to euthanize a snail, you can put it in a plastic bag in the freezer for a few hours. If you are not very interested in humane disposal, you can put the snail outdoors to dry and eventually die.
How long does it take for a dead snail to break down?
At the sites and habitats surveyed, snail degradation rates averaged 6.4% per year (shell half-life = 11.5 years), excluding shells broken during the experiment, or shell damage. Including, it was 10.2% (half-life = 7.5 years). ..
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