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Is a bull a male or a female?

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In cows, a male is either a bull, a steer, or a cow. You can also use the word "calf" for boys, as it is the word used for both young men and women in cows. Bull-A bull is an "intact" male, a male with testicles. Since the bull has testicles (and assuming he is otherwise healthy), he can give birth to a calf. As a rule of thumb, cows are cows and heifers, and bulls are bulls and steers. The calf can be a young or bull, or the calf can be (anatomically) behind the leg below the knee, but the bull is a domesticated cow or an uncast adult of the cow. A male or a bull may be an order from the Pope's Book, Official Documents or, the Pope or the bull may be a lie, or the bull may be a bubble.

What is the difference between a boy and a bull?

In cows, a male is either a bull, a steer, or a cow. You can also use the word "calf" for boys, as it is the word used for both young men and women in cows. Bull-A bull is an "intact" male, a male with testicles. Since the bull has testicles (and assuming he is otherwise healthy), he can give birth to offspring.

What is the cow version called?

The female corresponding to a bull is a cow, and the male of the castee species is a steer, cow, or bull, but in North America this last term refers to a young bull, in Australia Draft animal. The use of these terms varies widely by region and dialect.

What is the difference between a bull and a cow?

The empirical rule to remember is that cows are cows and heifers, and bulls are bulls and steers.

What is the difference between a calf and a bull?

You can also use the word "calf" for boys because it is a word used for both young men and women in cows. Bull-A bull is an "intact" male, a male with testicles. Since the bull has testicles (and assuming he is otherwise healthy), he can give birth to offspring.

Is a bull a male or a female?

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