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Is a whale a fish or a reptile?

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Whales are mammals. They look like big fish, but they are not closely related to them. Whales belong to the taxonomic Infraorder whale. Fish are the ancestors of amphibians, reptiles and mammals. Both reptiles and mammals cannot contain fish. Reptiles have lungs that breathe. Crawling on land with the help of four short legs. If you don't have legs, just crawl and walk. The eastern spinner dolphin is characterized by a triangular dorsal fin and a uniform gray color. They always live in the ocean, but dolphins are mammals, not fish.

Since whales are members of the whale family, they are mammals, not fish, even though they are completely water-dwelling.

Are whales fish or mammals?

Like mammals, whales and dolphins, it inhales air from a pair of lungs. They are warm-blooded animals, young people drink milk and have hair (although very little). Whales are actually the closest living relatives to hippo. so whales are certainly mammals, not fish!

Are fish mammals or reptiles?

Fish cannot be included in both reptiles and mammals. Reptiles have lungs that breathe. Crawling on land with the help of four short legs. If no one has legs, they just crawl and walk. The body of a mammal has hair.

What is the difference between amphibians and whales?

Whales are consumed for meat. Amphibians generally spend their entire lives in and around water, but some aquatic mammals, such as seals and dolphins, do the same. Mammals are homeothermic. That is, amphibians lack this ability, but can regulate body temperature.

Are dolphins mammals or fish?

Dolphins and other whales are all mammals called cetaceans. Mammals, and only mammals, have fur and hair and feed their babies with milk. All whales feed their babies with milk. You may think that whales have no fur. You are almost right.

Are whales reptiles?

Whales are mammals because they share the characteristics of other mammals (like us!). These characteristics include being able to regulate one's body temperature (unlike cold-blooded animals like lizards), growing hair, and producing milk to feed children (born alive, not eggs). included. 2011

Are whales reptiles or mammals?

Whales, along with dolphins and porpoises, are warm-blooded mammals that breathe air like humans. There are some important differences between whales and fish. Whales are warm-blooded animals. The fish are cold-blooded.

Is the whale a fish or an animal?

Whales are members of the family Whales, and although they are completely water-dwelling, they are mammals, not fish. 27янв. 2019

What kind of animal is a whale?

Either a whale or a large aquatic mammal belonging to the order Cetacea. The term whale can be used in connection with any cetacean, including harbor porpoises and dolphins, but generally applies to those over 3 meters (10 feet) in length.

Is a whale a fish or a reptile?

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