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Why do elephants huddle?

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Elephants flock around the female to protect her from the prowling hyenas while giving birth. When it comes to bodyguards, you really couldn't do much better than these guys. 'All of these elephants were very upset, terribly nervous, shoulder-to-shoulder and closing their formations. February 29th. 2012г.

Are elephants swarming?

Complex emotions between elephants Elephants live in large social groups. In short, maintaining group cohesion may require complex social skills and strong emotional attachment. .. A few years after the herd member died, the elephant pauses as it walks by the place where the herd member died. 21st. 2014

Why do elephants gather after birth?

When an elephant gives birth and a calf is about to give birth, female elephants in the herd gather around the elephant giving birth. They surround her outwards and provide surveillance and protection for her predators.

Why do elephants kick up dust?

When a baby elephant gives birth, the sister elephant does two things. That is, kicking sand or soil to protect the fragile skin of the newborn from the sun, and then everyone starts playing the trumpet. Something beautiful, born in the harsh wild world, despite the enemy.

Why do elephants kick babies?

The staff downplayed the incident, saying that it was a natural reflex behavior that stimulated the elephant's mother to move the newborn little by little to stand up. But the African elephant Poly lovingly, but she may have been clumsy trying this, she has a history-she crushed her first baby and died. ..

Why do elephants huddle?

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