Brazilian wandering spiders (Phoneutria fera and P . Phoneutria are toxic to humans and are considered to be the most deadly of all spiders in the world. The poison is toxic to the nervous system. It causes symptoms such as salivation. Irregular heartbeats in men and long-term painful eruptions (pre-apism)
If a Brazilian spider bites you.
About 30 minutes after a Brazilian spider bites a human, these symptoms become systemic, arrhythmia, hypertension or hypotension, abdominal cramps, hypothermia, nausea, dizziness.
How many people have died from spider wanderings?
No deaths since the introduction of anti-toxins in 1980 (annual) 30-40 bytes). During the 53 years from 1927 to 1979, there were 13 or 14 known deaths, which results in a mortality rate of less than 1. Percent! One child died in 15 minutes. However, adult deaths usually took a couple of days.
Which spider erects?
From a Brazilian wandering spider, also known as a banana spider or armed spider. A bite can cause a long and painful erection in a man and can lead to death within hours.
What is the most common spider toxic to humans?
If we define the term "most toxic" as the most toxic to humans (because some toxic spider species show varying degrees of toxicity to the various animal species that have been hampered by them). ), The most toxic spider in the world is the male Sidney spider. Robustos.
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