Should I kill a slug?

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The surge in slug populations always indicates that the natural order of things is out of the quilter. By killing snails, all you have to do is fight the symptoms. Leave the root cause of the problem as it is. Killing slugs also harms their natural enemies, further disrupting their natural equilibrium. December. 2018 г.

Is a slug suitable for something?

Slugs and snails are very important. They feed all kinds of mammals, birds, slow worms, earthworms and insects, and they are part of the natural balance. Removing them upsets that balance and can do a lot of harm to us. Thrush in particular breeds!

Can you kill slugs?

Pour salt into a slug and it will be killed in a few seconds, but generally requires a significant amount of salt. Salt kills slugs by osmosis – it draws water from the inside of the slugs and dehydrates them rapidly.

Is it okay to pick up slugs?

Mollusks such as slugs are generally harmless to handling, but can carry parasites that can infect humans by accidentally ingesting unwashed produce.

Are slugs harmful?

You may think that slugs are dangerous. In general, the answer is no. The only danger slugs pose is to the plants in your garden, which also eat fruits and vegetables. .. They can eat and kill all the leaves of the plant.

Should I kill a slug?

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