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What animal takes the longest birth?

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Elephants have the longest gestation period of all mammals. Pregnancy of these mild giants lasts for over a year and a half. The average gestation period for elephants is about 640-660 days, or about 95 weeks. 2 minutes. 2011 г. Some marine mammals, such as bottlenose dolphins, carry calves for 10-12 months. This means that the calf can catch up with the mother from the beginning. On the other side of the spectrum, the animal with the shortest known gestation period is the Virginia Opossum.

Which animal has the longest gestation period?

All species have different gestational periods, but the orca period is the longest of all dolphins, about 17 months. Some of the largest living predators, sperm whales, are known to carry children for up to 19 months. Elephants have the longest gestation period of all mammals and give birth for 18 to 22 months before delivery.

Which animal has the longest birth time?

The mother works hard and finds enough food to give her baby enough milk for proper development. 2. Orangutans: You probably know that orangutans have to wait eight years before birth, which is one of the longest internatal times in the animal kingdom.

What is the longest-lived animal in the world?

Top 10 longest living animals. 11. Turritopsis nutricula. Can you imagine being immortal? Would you like to reach old age and return as a baby instead of dying? For us 22. Ocean Quarhog. 33. Greenland shark. 44. Bowhead whale. 55. Carp. Other Items

How long do animals carry children?

Some of the largest living predators, sperm whales, are known to carry children for up to 19 months. Elephants have the longest gestation period of all mammals and give birth for 18 to 22 months before delivery. Long developmental periods are common among highly intelligent animals.

Which animal takes the longest to give birth?

RankMammalDays1Elephant (Africa) 6452Elephant (Asia) 6173Whale (Sperm) 480–5904 Rhinoceros (Black) 450

Which animal takes the longest to give birth?

The shortest known gestation period is about 12 days for Opossum in Virginia, and the longest gestation period for Indian elephants is about 22 months. Over the course of evolution, gestational age has adapted to the needs of the species.

What is the longest pregnancy?

The longest recorded pregnancy was 375 days. According to a 1945 entry in Time Magazine, a woman named Beulah Hunter gave birth in Los Angeles almost 100 days after an average of 280 days of pregnancy. 2. One of the shortest recorded pregnancies in which the baby survived was only 22 weeks.

What animal takes the longest birth?

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