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What animal urinated so much that it formed 3% of the ice in the Arctic Ocean?

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29 minutes. 2021 · The sparsely populated Arctic Circle accounts for 10% of GDP and about 20% of it Ненайдено: 20animal% 20urinated% 20so% 20much% 20that% 20it% 20formed% 20320Ocean ??

What is Russia's claim to the Arctic Circle?

Russia's claims now cover about 70% of the seafloor in the central Arctic Ocean, extending to the exclusive economic zone of Canada and Greenland. Russia has formally expanded its claims to the bottom of the Arctic Ocean, extending to the exclusive economic zone of Canada and Greenland.

What is the name of Russia's Arctic Circle?

Far North or Far North (Russian: Крайний Север, Дальний Север) is located primarily in the north of the Arctic and is the vast majority of Russia with vast mineral and natural resources.

The sea over Russia?

Russia's Arctic Ocean has a coastline of 24,140 kilometers along the Arctic Ocean and the waters above the Arctic Ocean, from the Valentz Sea in the west on the Norwegian border to the Bering and Okhotsk Seas in the Far East. is spreading.

Which country controls the Arctic Ocean route?

In 2018, the Russian government transferred the main responsibility for the North Sea route to Rosatom. Through its subsidiary ROSATOMFLOT, Rosatom manages a Russian nuclear-powered icebreaker based in Murmansk.

What animal urinated so much that it formed 3% of the ice in the Arctic Ocean?

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