Like all insects, the ant's body is divided into three main parts: the head, chest, and abdomen. Ants have a hard, waterproof exoskeleton made of a material called chitin.
What is the ant's arm called?
The lower jaw is the most important tool for ants. Since ants cannot grab their forelimbs, they use their lower limbs to carry and carry things like human hands. The mandible can also be used to chew, crush, cut, dig, fight and hunt. 2009
What is called what is in the head of an ant?
Like all insects, ants have six legs and are composed of three parts: head, chest, and abdomen. Perhaps the most important part of an ant is its head, the lower jaw. These are essentially jaw bones, but they are used to hold and carry something like our hands.
What are ant legs?
Legs and other ant parts Like all other insects, ants have 3 pairs of legs (6 pairs in total). The feet are designed to allow insects to move, and each end has claws and sticky pads to allow ants to climb.
What are ant legs?
Ant's feet. Colored scanning electron micrograph (SEM) of the tips of two toes of an ant (Antaceae). The ends of the insect's legs are made up of the last part, called the tarsal bone. The tarsal bone itself has several segments, here ending with the tarsal bone with two nails (orange).
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