Sponges make up the phylum Choanocytes, and are choanocyte-lined chambers, flagellar-like fluff-like water inlets and outlet openings, which are stalkless metazoans (multicellular immovable animals). It is defined as.
Is the sponge a plant or an animal?
One of the sponges and the primitive multicellular aquatic animals that make up the sponge phylum. Approximately 5,000 species are listed and inhabit all oceans that attach to surfaces above 8,500 meters (29,000 feet) deep from the intertidal zone.
In what class is deep-sea sponge?
The glass sponge of Hexactinellid is a common animal in the deep sea. Their tissue contains glass-like structural particles called spicules made of silica (hence the name).
In which kingdom is the sponge?
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