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What are the unique features of sponges Class 11?

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Body wall :. Canal system :. Skeleton (Figure Sponge: Letters and Classification

Sponges differ from other animal phyla in that they have five unique characteristics. Choanocytes. Waterway (waterway) system. Organic and inorganic Skeleton. Almighty. Plasticity. General characteristics of sponges Sponges are simple animals with uncomplicated structures. They have a porous structure similar to the normal sponges we use. Named after a porous body. They have many openings called mouths where water enters their bodies. A single large oscram allows water to flow out of the body. Sponge Can occur in different colors, and they vary in size from species to species. The dry skeleton (needle) of the sponge is used in kitchens and bathrooms for cleaning and peeling purposes. One of the best features of the cell sponge is that most of the cells are pluripotent, that is, they can be transformed into any of the other cell types as needed. It has and is thought to lack true embryos. Sponges are a diverse group of known, sometimes common types of about 5,000 species worldwide. Sponges are predominantly marine, but About 150 species live in freshwater.

What are the general characteristics of sponges?

General characteristics of sponges: 1. All Are aquatic. Mainly marine (98%), but there are also some freshwater (Tansuikamenidae). 2. They are sessile and sedentary animals. 3. In adulthood, their bodies are asymmetric or radial. 4. Multicellular organisms with cell-grade tissues that do not have true tissue.

Is there tissue cell tissue in the sponge?

Of the sea sponge One of the best features is that most of the cells are pluripotent, that is, they can be converted to other cell types as needed. Therefore, the sponge has tissue cell tissue and lacks true embryos. It is thought.

How many kinds of sponges are there in the world?

The name of this gate is derived from the pores of the body of the sponge, and it is the bearer of the pores in Greek. Means. This gate is divided into three classes: lime sponge rope, six-release sponge rope, and ordinary sponge rope. The types of sponges are thought to be about 5,000 to 10,000, most of which are contained in seawater.

Sponge is the animal world Is it classified as an animal?

The phylum Sponge is the lowest multicellular animal in the animal kingdom. The term "sponge" mainly refers to the bearer of the pores or some species of pores. Based on embryological studies, sponges are proven as animals and are classified in different phyla in animals.

Which is the most specific feature of the sponge?

Tip: Sponge is a multicellular organism and a heterotrophic organism. They lack cell walls and also produce sperm cells. Unlike other animals, they lack real tissues and organs. Some sponges are radially symmetrical, but most are asymmetric.

How unique is a sponge in the animal kingdom?

Special cells: Sponge has special collar cells (or collar cells) that are unique in the animal kingdom. They have a flagellar, whip-like structure that acts to set the water flow so that the sponge can sift food particles from the water.

What are the four characteristics of sponges?

General characteristics of sponges: Habitat: Advertising :. Body shape: Those bodies are porous, that is, they have pores. .. Symmetry: Most sponges are asymmetric. .. Germ :. Organizational level :.

What are the unique features of sponges Class 11?

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