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What can I Feed my pet mouse to keep him happy?

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To keep your mice happy and healthy, you need to feed them. Fresh fruits and vegetables such as apples (without seeds), bananas, beans, berries, chingen greens, other Asian greens, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, celery, citrus fruits, endives, fresh corn, melons, parsley , Pea beans, pears, stone fruits, tomatoes. 6окт. 2016 г.

How can I make my pet rat happy?

There are several things you can do to make a mouse or a mouse happy. 1 Provide a companion. .. 2 Give them their own place or room to enjoy. .. 3 We provide food, snacks and chewing toys. .. 4 Allow them to exercise. .. 5 Give more toys again. 5 things you can do to make mice and mice happy

What can I Feed my pet mouse to keep him happy?

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