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What did Jane Goodall name her chimps?

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Goodall named the chimpanzees David Graybeard, Flint, Goliath, Passion, Frodo, Fifi. 26 June. 2010г.

What did Jane Goodall name the toy chimpanzee?

When Jane was a little over one year old, her father gave her a stuffed animal. This is a realistic replica of a chimpanzee named "Jubilee" after the first chimpanzee toddler born at London Zoo.

Does Jane Goodall have a favorite chimpanzee?

Goodall's favorite chimpanzee is David Graybeard, the first person to trust Jane in Gombe after all these years. David Graybeard, easily identifiable by his silvery facial hair, was the first chimpanzee Jane saw with a tool and the first to see her eating meat.

What did Frodo, a chimpanzee, do to Jane?

Fifi is her highly successful mother and she has been the top female in Gombe's Kasekera community for many years. As a child, Frodo was a mischievous and hampered Jane Goodall's efforts to grab her notebooks and binoculars and record data about her mother-child relationship.

What did Jane Goodall name her chimps?

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