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How common are adders in the UK?

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Adder is the only venomous snake in the UK, but its poison is generally of little danger to humans. Bites by adders can be painful and inflamed, but when to see: March-October Length: 60-80cm Conservation Status: Under Wildlife and Country Law of 1981 Protected in the UK. Priority species under the UK since 2010 Life expectancy: up to 15 years

How common are adders in the UK?

Every year, there are millions of visits to areas where adders occur, but few bites occur. Comprehensive figures are not documented, but research shows that there are about 50-100 adder bites annually in the United Kingdom.

What is the most common adder in the UK?

In the UK, the distribution of adders is quite patchy. More in southern England than in the north, less common in Midland, but much more in western Wales and southwest England. Widely found in Scotland, it does not exist in the Outer Hebrides, Central Lowlands, or Northern Islands.

Are adders rare in the UK?

While widespread throughout the UK, its recent decline, especially in central England, means that it is a major protection concern. The adder is the only venomous snake in the UK. Although it can be serious, adding to humans and dogs is rarely fatal. 2016

Where are the UK adders?

Adders can be identified by a zigzag mark on their back and a V-shaped or X-shaped head. Look for an adder to sunbathe by noon at a sunny, protected south-facing bank. Walk slowly and quietly – the adder is very short-sighted, but it sees movement, feels vibrations, and has a good sense of smell.

How common are adders in the UK?

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