The upper tentacles are called optical tentacles and are the eyes of slugs. Optical tentacles have light-sensitive eye-spots on the edges that can be regrown if lost. These are also used for odors. The lower pair are two small tentacles, used for sensation and tasting.
What do slugs use their tentacles for?
If you look closely at slugs and snails, you will see four tentacles on your head. There are two long ones with almost no eyes on the edges. They use these tentacles to look around. They also have two small tentacles that they use to sniff and sense vibrations.
Do slugs use their tentacles for scents?
Slugs are a special type of mollusk called abalone. .. Photosensitive eyes are located on the long tentacles at the top of the slug's head. The short tentacles that extend down are used to feel and smell.
What are snail tentacles?
There are two pairs of retractable tentacles on the heads of slugs and snails. The upper optical tentacles have light-sensitive eye-spots on both ends. The stems of each eye can move independently and can re-grow if lost. The eye stalk is also used for the sense of smell.
Do slugs have tentacles or antennae?
Tentacles Like other pulmonary terrestrial abalone, most terrestrial slugs have two pairs of "tentacles" or tentacles on their heads. The upper pair is light-sensing, with eye-spots on both ends, and the lower pair provides a sensation of odor. Both pairs are retractable.
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