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What fox is in the dog family?

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Foxes and dogs are canines of the same zoology, but their strains are separated. Dogs are tame members of the genus Canis, while foxes belong to several different non-canis genus (this is the plural genus). The 12 most common "foxes" belong to the genus Vulpes.

Is the fox a member of the dog family?

Псовые Smell is all about dogs, also known as canines. All 34 canines, including domestic dogs, wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals, and dingos, use their noses to find food, track each other's whereabouts, and identify competitors and potential predators.

Is it a red fox in a dog family?

A fox, one of the various members of the dog family (Canidae), resembles a medium to medium bushy tail dog with long fur, pointed ears, and a narrow nose. .. In a limited sense, the name belongs to about 10 species classified as "true" foxes (genus Vulpes), especially the same family as red foxes or common foxes (V.

. (Animal). Fox?

Foxes are members of the canine or canine family, but they are not as social as some of their cousins ​​and usually hunt alone. Foxes are small and slender, with a fluffy tail and large, pointed ears. Fox relatives include wolves, coyotes, jackals, and both wild and domestic dogs.

What fox is in the dog family?

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